Children & teens
Losing a parent is an overwhelmingly emotional experience for children and teens, particularly if the loss has been sudden or particularly traumatic.
They can be significantly affected by a sense that the world has become unsafe and unpredictable, and anxiety can often be one of the main presenting symptoms in parentally bereaved children.
I have wide ranging experience in working with children who present with anxiety connected to trauma events. I can support parents and children to understand how to create feelings of safety again so that anxiety is reduced.
My qualifications and experience enable me to be flexible in the way I work with children and families.
1:1 work: On some occasions children and young people may need a space of their own to work through some of their feelings of loss. With 9 years of experience in Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services I am ideally placed to provide counselling services for children and teens. With younger children this will often involve using arts, crafts and play materials to enable them to safely express their feelings. For teens I can provide talking therapy.
Parent / child sessions: Sometimes children can feel very uncertain about engaging with someone new. I understand that children need time to connect to me and for this reason I am open to offering parent and child sessions or even whole family sessions.
Children and teens can bounce in and out of feelings of grief and it’s important to know when the time is right for a counselling intervention. If you or your child are unsure about the timing, book a free call with me and we can think about this together. There’s never any obligation to commit at this stage